Monday, March 27, 2006

Fun with Words

Here's a link to someone ('Dafydd') trying to make sense of reporting from Iraq... my confidence in anything I read tumbles whenever I encounter analysis like this.

HT: Powerline Blog

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hugh Hewitt interviews Victor Davis Hanson

These are "Must Listen".

segment one
segment two

I've been impressed with Hugh's coverage this entire week as the New Media has found a chink in the armor of the old (starting with Laura Ingraham's visit to the TODAY show), exploited it, and sent the MSM into defensive mode. VDH's viewpoint is simply intriguing, as his view of current events is through the eyes of a historian. Our mentality today is such in the HERE AND NOW that we have no inkling that our country has been through similar circumstances, and has fared much worse, than anything we are experiencing now.

(catch up on all the last week's punditry at Hugh Hewitt and Radioblogger)

Friday, December 30, 2005

In the Land of the Brother Leader

a facinating look at Libya, by Michael Totten.