Thursday, August 25, 2005

5 Minute Reflection

Well, I've finished off Jeremiah and Lamentations. These are hard books to read; mainly because they deal with subjects that we don't really like to think about... our uncanny nature to fall into sin, the righteous anger & jealousy of God, (can't we just have love & mercy???), and worst of all: CONSEQUENCES. Sin is not without consequences, even for those who do repent. We have to deal with the outcome of the choices we’ve made.

Raising children has given me more perspective on this than anything, as I've had to look at this from the "father's" point of view... How do you get your children to obey? The rules of my house aren't just set up for the benefit of a ruthless dictator (although my kids probably think they are!); they’re boundaries set up to keep my kids from hurting themselves. I don't want to see them go through unnecessary hurts, physical or emotional. So boundaries are set up. And, if there is no consequence for crossing those boundaries, they will not be respected. So there must be discipline, or there will be no understanding of the rules. One more thing I’ve learned is that nobody likes punishment... either giving it or receiving it. (Even God!) There is nothing worse then having to punish your child.

So I am thankful for God's discipline, because it means he loves and cares for me. And I can trust him, because he is perfectly just; I’m not getting anything I don’t deserve. The lesson I really want to sink in from these books, though, is that I REALLY need to know God. I need to understand his ways, and I need to know what He expects of me. Then, hopefully, I’ll be able to keep myself out of trouble!


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