Friday, August 12, 2005

Thoughts on Jeremiah 3-5

people: foolish; don't know God. they don't know the ways of God. they don't even understand what God expects of them. (4 v22, 5 v4) not only foolish, but wicked. refusing to help those in need, and denying rights of the poor (5 v28). clever at doing wrong, but have no talent at all for doing right! (4 v22). only pretending to be sorry for all this... (3 v10)

God: Even though you people are bad, I am merciful! way more merciful that people could ever be! (3 v1) I set the shorelines on this globe, and they will NEVER change. you people draw your nations' boundaries again and again on the land I gave you... geez! can't you recognize me??? (5 v22) How can I pardon you? (5 v7) you only pretend to be sorry... You will get what you want. you want a life without me and my "rules"? you got it... but my rules are there to protect you from yourselves, so watch it. If you become too wicked, you may need to be stopped. remember that whole flood thing? recall that I have other qualities as well, like being righteous and just! and jealous! I won't put up with your crap forever! But, I am merciful... I won't wipe you out completely (5 v18).


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