Friday, September 30, 2005

Hewitt roasts the MSM

Hugh Hewitt just loves these opportunities... he was interviewed on PBS to discuss the failure of the media in the wake of Katrina. And he didn't pull any punches. Read the transcript; it's not too long. The media reps didn't even fight back! Not that they had any ground to do so...

HT: PowerLineBlog

Thursday, September 29, 2005

ID thread

There's an interesting thread on Intelligent Design over at Roger L Simon's site... be sure to read through some of the comments.

It will be interesting to look back in 30 years or so, and review how this debate played out.

New Michael Yon post

Micheal Yon added a new post to his site today; It's an update on the story of the little girl who the "Duece Four" soldiers have been trying to get to America for treatment of a heart condition. Check it out, and watch for the story to break here in the states.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Chris Matthews gets beaned

I haven't heard of Chris Matthews taking this kind of abuse since Zell Miller gave him the business after the Republican National Convention last year... This time it's Rep. Peter King working him over on the "media's" response to Katrina.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Convoy of Hope benefit

Yesterday evening, our church put on a 'hurricane relief' concert. It was pretty cool. The group was "Kutless", a Christian hard-rock group. Lots of teenagers, and very loud music. They sold out, about 2500 tickets, with 100% of the proceeds going to "Convoy of Hope". I volunteered to help with security, and was patrolling the parking lots and directing traffic after the show. This earned me FREE PIZZA. Awesome!

Cancel your newspaper, lock up your TV

Stick to the internet for your news. I get enough to keep me 'in the know' from Power Line News and Google News. There's also Fox News and CNN, and Yahoo News... for local news, just bookmark your local newspaper's site.

Why? Because the internet is just as reliable, and it doesn't cost anything! And if you follow a few of the major blogs, you can keep tabs on all of the FALSE news that the traditional media dishes out, like this (HT Powerlineblog), which exposes the misinformation spread in the wake of Katrina.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Game day, Ducks vs. USC

News Roundup...

from ESPN. more here.

and on CBS Sportsline.

over at more here.

At USA Today...

LA Times.

and College Football News.

Oh boy, this is going to be a good one!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Iraq War Update

I don't know how people have time to put stuff like this together. But this is a great way to visualize what's been going on in the Iraq war over the last month. Now, I wish they would put a presentation together that shows the insurgent response...

HT: Instapundit

What's news

It's interesting how our national attention jumps from topic to topic like a TV getting flipped channel to channel... I can't even remember what we were hearing about last week or last month. But big issues don't go away just because they're not making the news. Take the Gay Marriage issue... I bet you didn't even know this happened.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Please support the JDRF's "Walk to Cure Diabetes"

My daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes back in April of 2004. That day an iron shackle was placed on her person... one that she must bear continuously through her time on earth. There are no vacation days when you've got Type 1. It breaks my heart to know that she will have to endure this. But she is also an inspiration to my wife and I, because she does so with such grace (this also happens to be her middle name).

Please consider supporting my daughter as she participates in the "Walk to Cure Diabetes".

I almost always tell the truth, part II

Here's another example of how reporters can "shade the truth" by selective amplification of event or injecting their own opinions... this time in a book review, off all places. The target this time was Chuck Colson.

And be sure to check out Prison Fellowship's response.

(HT: Hugh Hewitt)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The big game

For the 10th time in the history of Duck Football, the team gets a crack at the #1 team in the nation. Up to now, the a 0-and-9. I think they're due...

I always tell the truth, except when I lie

Think you can believe everything you see on the news? Dan Rather drove the first nail in the coffin of "MSM News" during the last election. Here's another one. It's about 18 minutes.

For a great commentary on this topic, check out The Belmont Club.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Aaaarrrrggg! Go out of town for a week...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Ducks vs Montana

Not to take anything away from the Grizzlies, but I just can't get too worked up for this game. I wonder why they bothered putting it on the schedule. I know that it's a nice "safe" non-conference opponent, but last year was MUCH more exciting, when we had the odious Sooners to battle right out of the chute!

Oh well, here's some Duck alumni news to keep you busy.

It's gotta be the shoes!

#2 had her first day of school friday... I dropped her off on my way to work. Boy was she excited! She's been waiting all summer to wear her "Diesels".

Friday, September 09, 2005

Katrina: the political aftermath

Read the whole thing. Really, it's not long, and it is entertaining. (HT: Hugh Hewitt, who got it from Instapundit)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

#2 goes to "Meet the Teacher"

#1's First Day of School

In the infirmary

I developed a massive migraine headache yesterday afternoon... spent the entire evening laying in the quiet of my dark bedroom. Migraines suck. I'm still only about 60% of normal this morning. It hurts to even look at this monitor... but, I promised Grammie that there would be "first day of school pics", so here they come!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I laughed at this...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Luke and Teli

[Luke] "Get near my cousin, and I'll box ya!!! come on, put 'em up!"
[Teli] (swooning) "oh, my! what a hunk!"

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Bachelor week, day 6

I've made it through a week without the family... and I only ate fast food ONE TIME! Thank God for frozen lasagna and bagged salad.

This morning I'm hopping on a Greyhound headed south. I'm hoping they'll let me off in Medford. Or somewhere close. I miss my family. They are so awesome.


Friday, September 02, 2005



The Singularity

It freaks me out that there are people who spend thier time thinking about this stuff. (Instapundit)

We'll take it! Ducks 38, Houston 24

A win is a win, right?

The first quarter was painful to watch... I was having flashbacks to last season. Too many mistakes on both sides of the ball. The most glaring were in the defensive secondary; 2 LONG touchdown throws. They definitely made Houston look better than they were. The offense kept killing themselves with stupid, untimely penalties. There is nothing more frustrating than to have a drive killed or a big gain called back for holding. or an illegal block. The running game didn't click, either. I think the handoff/option thing from the shotgun formation was way to slow developing.

I think the defense pulled this game out. They adjusted; took away the big plays. Kept the Ducks offense on the field, which gave them time to work out the bugs. The offensive line looked great in the 2nd half, Clemens had tons of time to throw. And the running game came to life, finally. I love the run by Jonathan Stewart in the mid 4th quarter... shedding and carrying tacklers 33 yards down the field. Awesome!

I think it's good that the Ducks have Montana next week; it will give them a good chance to focus on disciplined play. And then Fresno State will be a great test before the big one... USC.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Reporter Envy?

A reporter doing a story on a reporter... maybe he's lobbying his boss for airline tickets. (HT: Instapundit)

Micheal Yon rocks.

"The spiders are gone though..."

Woman torches house trying to kill spiders.

I guess there's such thing as being too effective...

Iraq Constitution

Here's a great article by Mark Steyn, reflecting on the current events in Iraq. Lengthy, but well worth the read. He compares the situation to other recent attempts at drafting and adopting constitutions (the EU...) and gives high marks to the work that the Iraqis have done. As Glenn Reynolds ( would say "READ THE WHOLE THING". (HATTIP (HT): Hugh Hewitt)

Let the games begin!

Here's an interesting article on Jordan Kent. (cbs sportline)