Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'll call it "Baby Blogging"




Just sayin' my piece

...over at "Blue Oregon"... read the comments, I'm down at 20 and 21.

Duck Football Update

University of Houston players to watch. And one that will be watching from the sidelines.

Quotes from the UH Head coach...

Former Duck A.J. Feeley: Fighting for a starting job with the Miami Dolphins.

Bachelor week: Day 3

Worked late last night... one of the other engineers helped me track down a particularly nasty bug I'd been chasing for the last week. Got home at about 9pm, dined on Bean with Bacon soup and saltines... also found a heel of a loaf of bread that looke edible, so I slathered it with peanut butter for a little dessert. Yum!

Then I spent the next 3 hours finishing up the book I've been working on... Douglas Coupland's microserfs. I enjoyed the book (It was kind of like a blog, but without links), but I think you have to have a certain level of geekyness in you to really "get it".

Next up: Steven Pressfield's The Virtues of War.

I've got a fever

... and the only cure is... more... cowbell!

A man of unusual wisdom

Remembered forever, here.

Makes you wonder what was special about him. I think he would have been a blogger.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Duck Football Update

Oregon's new offense? Meet Houston's new defense. (

Ducks to score 60+ points? (

Look for the Ducks to use lots of RBs on Thrusday... (

And here's a profile of Houston's offense. (Register-Guard)

Lions disappoint

I got home in time to catch the 2nd quarter of the Monday Night Football game between Detroit and St. Louis... I should have stayed at work.

2 thoughts:

First, the Lions were outcoached. When you see a team get dominated like they did last night, it's mainly because the coaches didn't prepare them adequately for the match-up. With talent levels as balanced as they are in the NFL, preparation is what makes the difference. Preparation and game planning. The Lions coaching staff botched it in both areas.

Second, Detroit couldn't compete at the line of scrimmage. On both offense and defense. In order for any offensive play to be successful, your line has to be able to hold a block for at least a second or two. Detroit's offense was simply run over by the D Line of St. Louis. These guys couldn't have been that overmatched physically... again, this is attributable to poor preparation. Defensively, they need to get pressure on the QB. For goodness sake, stunt and blitz!! Bulger had all day to find his receivers. The defensive game plan put together by the Loins was horrific.

Detroit has a couple of weeks to prepare for the start of the regular season... and a stunning wake-up call. Time will tell how they react.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Current Odds

Ducks by more than a TD...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bachelor week

Well, today begins "bachelor week"... the wife and kids just pulled out of the driveway headed for Jacksonville, OR, for a week at "Auntie's" house.

It's kind of a blessing, as auntie is expecting the arrival of child[6] (gender unknown at this point), and I'm trying to help my company get a product ready to ship. So, D. will be helping her sister with the new baby, the kids will spend a quality week with their cousins, and I'll get to spend a bunch of hours behind the keyboard... somehow, I think I'm getting the raw end of this deal.

Holy Thursday-Night-Football!!!

At chruch this morning, a friend of mine asked me "are you ready for thrusday?"... and I was clueless. I'm glad he brought it up, as it turns out that it is the Duck's season opener!!!

I am such a bad Duck fan... :(

Thursday evening, 4pm Pacific, ESPN2.

For Grammie

Has football season started YET???

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Harrington Watch

Like all "hardened" Duck Football fans, I'm eager to see if our poster boy can shine in the NFL . This is the year we find out (scroll down to "Players on the hot seat")... and it looks like things are starting out well for Joey.

Monday night, he gets to perform for a national audience. Let's hope it goes well!

Can't keep up with the Iraq Constitution thing?

Here's a great post by Robert Mayer at PubliusPundit that demystifies the current situation. Of course, it more "nuanced" than what I've been seeing on Channel 8, as well as more promising.

HT: Instapundit

Friday, August 26, 2005

In other news...

Meanwhile, Oregon is still bringing up the rear of the country's economic recovery...

(US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, Aug 19, 2005 data)

Governor Watch II

Ted's been busy!!!

Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski smiles as Amy, center, and Rachel Berliner don hard hats before a groundbreaking for the new Amy's Kitchen processing plant in Southern Oregon.

(Capital Press Agriculture Weekly. never heard of it before...)

Governor Watch

Gov. Ted Kulongoski ponders the sights of the Phantom Ship while taking a boat ride around Crater Lake. He was at the lake to take part in a ceremony honoring the selection of Crater Lake for the design of the Oregon quarter, then came to Klamath Falls for more festivities.

(Herald and News, K. Falls... Pound for pound, Oregon's lightest daily newspaper.)

I certainly hope the Republicans come up with a candidate before Nov 2006.

OSU will host nuclear energy experts

Oregon State University is hosting a UN Atomic Energy conference to discuss "passively safe nuclear reactor systems".
OSU has become a leader in the development and testing of such nuclear designs. It has conducted test programs funded at more than $13 million that allowed the first two plans of this type in the United States to gain final design approval.
I can only hope that there are no protests planned... The folks down in Eugene are probably rallying as I write this.

Duck Football Update

Here's the Fall Camp Roundup, courtesy The Register-Guard.

The Ducks are adding some depth to their placekicking pool:

The What had been a long and often lonely summer apparently is just about over for Morgan Flint. The recent Bend High School graduate learned this week that his presence is requested in Eugene, where the University of Oregon football teams plans to add him to its roster as a place-kicker. "They said there's a spot open and they want to get me over there as soon as possible," said Flint, a walk-on (nonscholarship) who was expecting to join the team late next month at the start of the fall school term. "It's the call I've been waiting for all summer."

UO football broadcast schedule, courtesty of The Oregonian. Looks like 5 televised games, at this point. all times Pacific...
. Sep 1, Houston, 4pm (ESPN2)
. Sep 17, Fresno St, 4pm (TBS)
. Sep 24, USC, 4pm (ABC)
. Nov 12, Washington St, 7:15pm (FSN)
. Nov 19, Oregon St, 3:45pm (FSN).

Not much time to post today...

I got out of bed late, got into work late, running behind on my "things to do" at work... Thankfully it's Friday!

...and the wife and I did have a nice soak in our hot tub last night. We had the thermostat fixed on Wednesday, and it seems to be working great!

gratuitous baby picture attached.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

In case you hadn't already heard

Michael Yon's latest dispatch is up. Lengthy, but well worth the read, especially if you're interested in our soldiers' experiences in Mosul, Iraq.

The book "Gates of Fire" is mentioned in the post. I read it earlier this year, and recommend it highly. (It's more of a "guy book"... or an "anti-chick-flick") Check it out at your local library!

The saga continues

Here's more on that whole Juan Cole-Stephen Vincent-Stephen's widow-Disagreement thing.

Seems Mr. Cole responded to the widows letter. His Response is "fisked" by Mark A. R. Kleiman. (HT: Instapundit)

I can spot a deal

I'm getting a great deal on my new car!!!

Here's a "Must Read"

"Some Thoughts on Casualties in Times of War and Peace", by John Hinderaker of PowerlineBlog. I was directed there by Hugh Hewitt.

The sections regarding Americans needing proper "perspective" on key battles and overall stategies was great... and the human cost of maintaining a military even in peacetime... I had no idea.

5 Minute Reflection

Well, I've finished off Jeremiah and Lamentations. These are hard books to read; mainly because they deal with subjects that we don't really like to think about... our uncanny nature to fall into sin, the righteous anger & jealousy of God, (can't we just have love & mercy???), and worst of all: CONSEQUENCES. Sin is not without consequences, even for those who do repent. We have to deal with the outcome of the choices we’ve made.

Raising children has given me more perspective on this than anything, as I've had to look at this from the "father's" point of view... How do you get your children to obey? The rules of my house aren't just set up for the benefit of a ruthless dictator (although my kids probably think they are!); they’re boundaries set up to keep my kids from hurting themselves. I don't want to see them go through unnecessary hurts, physical or emotional. So boundaries are set up. And, if there is no consequence for crossing those boundaries, they will not be respected. So there must be discipline, or there will be no understanding of the rules. One more thing I’ve learned is that nobody likes punishment... either giving it or receiving it. (Even God!) There is nothing worse then having to punish your child.

So I am thankful for God's discipline, because it means he loves and cares for me. And I can trust him, because he is perfectly just; I’m not getting anything I don’t deserve. The lesson I really want to sink in from these books, though, is that I REALLY need to know God. I need to understand his ways, and I need to know what He expects of me. Then, hopefully, I’ll be able to keep myself out of trouble!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

We Love the Subs!

I met my brother at Quizno's for lunch today... which of course brought up fond memories of the Sponge Monkeys!

Let's waste some bandwidth... loading this article up in your browser, "Forest Service admits "serious" mistake in logging reserve".

Heartbreaking, really... 17 acres that will just NEVER be the same... and the loss of a 234 year old tree, with a diameter of over 3 feet... Hey, wait a minute here... If were were to plant a tree there today, in another 234 years, IT WOULD BE the just the same!!!

For a little perspecitve, the geographic size of the State of Oregon is 97,073 square miles, or about 62 million acres. The Biscuit Fire itself was about 500,000 acres; the area in question here accounts for 0.0034% of that land.

Governor watch...

Get your acting lessons lined up! Governor Ted Kulongoski has plans for turning around Oregon's sluggish economy... by luring filmakers! That's right, payroll tax credits for anyone shooting a film, video, or commercial in the State of Oregon.
Every film or video that is shot in Oregon brings in thousands - if not millions - of dollars to our economy. Producers hire actors and crews and spend money on food and equipment. This program will help strengthen Oregon's already improving economy," said Gordon Sondland, Chair of the Oregon Film and Video Board.
more here ...

Duck Player Profile

Cameron Colvin (from The Oregonian)
The moment Cameron Colvin placed an Oregon baseball hat on his head before a national television audience in 2004, he became arguably the most celebrated football recruit in Ducks history.
A year removed from the hype, Colvin appears ready to take the next step in his development. Coaches and teammates say Colvin has improved his mental approach and elevated his work ethic to match his physical gifts that make him a potential game-breaker with speed, agility and the knack for the big play.

spot the fake...

Last night my wife and I were discussing the innate human ability to discern insincerity. (Wow, does that sound profound! Really, it wasn't that deep...)

Well, here's a test you can take to rate your ability!

Don't send your daughter here

Hugh Hewitt also brings our attention to a high school in Ohio where 65 of 490 female students are pregnant...

This might help explain it.

Our Constitution

Americans can easily forget the great difficulties that were encountered during the forming of our nation. We weren't just a bunch of gung-ho revolutionaries that cranked out in a summer the document that has guided our nation for the past 200+ years.

Hugh Hewitt and John Eastman provide a brief history lesson, complete with tales of partisan bickering!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Duck Football

Various updates from the Register-Guard...

... and for all you Beaver fans, don't miss the "Great Flush at Reser Stadium"!!! (near the end of the article...)

What a woman

Steven Vincent was a reporter in Iraq (working outside of the Green Zone, like Micheal Yon), who was murdered a few weeks ago.

Juan Cole is a professor at the University of Michigan whose blog discusses issues regarding the Middle East, History, and Religion.

And this is a scathing rebuke of Mr. Cole from the wife of Steven Vincent. Seems she didn't like Cole's take on the events surrounding the murder of her husband. Wow!

The Sheehans

This is the most creative post regarding Cindy Sheehan I've seen.

And here's an interesting one about her son, Casey Sheehan.

Personally, I think that her political activism has done nothing but take the country's eyes off of the her son's sacrifice and focus them on herself. We all grieve for every family who has lost loved ones in the war. But this kind of grandstanding is prideful and arrogant. I'm sure that her son would be embarrassed by her behavior. I sure would be.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Ducks and Lions...

Spartans to the fourth power: Terrell Ward reunites with three De La Salle teammates as a Duck.

Joey gets to call audibles... I can't fathom the complexity of an NFL offense if it takes 4 YEARS to learn enough to be able to do this.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Geeked-out Friday

A magazine for the truely enlightened.

Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to tame that mass of wiring behind the entertainment center?

And in case you wanted to make sure your wiring meets NASA specifications...

Jeremiah 33-36

Its hard to understand what verses like this and this mean, when things like this have happened and this is going on. Sometimes I feel like an Algebra student browsing through a Calculus textbook... I pray that someday, it will all make sense.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Another one bites the dust

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Al Qaeda's leader in Saudi Arabia was killed Thursday during clashes with police in the western city of Medina, the Interior Ministry said.

He was among two of the kingdom's 26 most-wanted militants still at large. The other 24 on the list issued in December 2003 either have been captured or killed.
I guess the Saudi's really don't want us to have to come clean up their mess for them...

You were wondering...

... why you're paying so much for gas these days? Could it be that rising demand in China is driving up prices? Check this out! (HT: Instapundit)

Validating immoral behavior?

With the Secret Lover Collection, now adulterers can say it with a card!

The New Covenant (Jeremiah 30-32)

The new covenant is presented in Ch32 v33... one of the things the LORD says is "...everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me".

Remember back at the beginning of the book, when Jeremiah was confronting the people, they had a big problem. They didn't know God, the ways of God, or what God expected of them.

That won't be the case anymore!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

who is this?

A young Harry Potter, or Carl Wheezer?

Duck Football Update (UPDATED!)

You hate to lose a player with a season-ending injury; when it's at a position where you're already thin, it REALLY hurts! (from The Oregonian)

"Oregon's inexperienced offensive line was dealt a blow Tuesday when it was announced that junior right guard Shawn Flanagan would have season-ending surgery to repair an injured pectoral muscle..."

Ducks prepare for superior season. (Oregon Daily Emerald)
Kent, Colvin receive well-earned praise (


Will you be smoking in the afterlife? (HT: Hugh Hewitt)

A noble cause: defined

In country music, of course. You can listen at the Luke Stricklin website which is here. (HT: Instapundit)

Dueling Prophets (Jeremiah 27-29)

So you've got 2 people each claiming to have messages from God, and these messages don't agree. How do you know which is the false prophet? Seems pretty straightforward... I'd trust the one whose predictions came true! You'd think after 40 years or so, the people would start to listen to Jeremiah. But, they've got yahoos like these two stirring things up.

I think this still holds true, that you can judge people (or groups of people) by the truth of their words... Do they actually do the things they say they will? When they tell you something, does it square up with reality? If it doesn't, find someone else more deserving of your allegiance.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

That bird flu thing...

I hadn't paid much attention to the "Avian Bird Flu" warnings, but maybe I should pay a little more attention. (HT: Hugh Hewitt)

Jememiah's World Tour (Chapters 24-26)

We get an interesting little detour today from the "I warned you, you don't listen" theme. In Chapter 25, Jeremiah is told to take "the cup of anger" to all the nations, and to have them drink from it. The result? A world filled with war. Sadly, that seems pretty accurate. Even Jesus gave us this prophecy.

It's funny that the "doves" in this world are not all devout believers praying for the 2nd coming...

Monday, August 15, 2005

A meeting with the President

Here is a moving story about the President, as he meets with families who have lost loved ones in the war.

There's nothing like the first time...

...Especially when lots of patience, hard work, and sacrifice are involved.
Our church held its first service in the new worship center yesterday... It was amazing! We were especially shocked when we arrived early, and the parking lot was already full... unheard of for Rolling Hills! The facility itself is beautiful, but it's what went on inside that was the real treat. It was like getting a taste of what God can do when the church body unites for a common purpose. Many years of giving and hard work came together on Sunday; we're all praying that there will be benefits for years to come.

Duck Football Update

Two player bios...

Patrick Chung (Freshmen defensive back)

Rodney Woods (Senior definsive back) from the storyline:

"...Then, in June of last year, Michael Woods [Rodney's older brother] was killed in an auto accident involving a drunken driver. Two months later, Rodney Woods injured the ACL in his left knee during fall camp of what was to be his senior season with the Oregon football team."

The Oregonian has an article examining the Duck's Linebacker corps.

The AP confesses

So it's now official. The AP isn't giving thorough coverage to what's going on in Iraq because their reporters are hiding in their hotels:

Mr. Silverman said the wire service was covering Iraq "as accurately as we can" while "also trying to keep our people out of harm's way."

If you're interested in seeing the work of a REAL reporter, follow the adventures of Michael Yon.

Jeremiah 21-23

Its funny how people, when confronted with "truth", will try coming around and seek God. Pashhur was certainly eating crow. But for him, it was too little, too late. Jeremiah had a nice lecture about "consequences" for him.

Obedience to God has the nice side effect of keeping you out of trouble. Not much upside to
disobedience, though.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Jeremiah 6 - 20

Reading through Jeremiah can almost be like listening to a broken record. Over and over again, he tells Judah "Get your act together, or you're done for!". Do they listen? Of course not. Again and again. Frustrating.

Beavers TE out indefinitely

This is NOT good news for Beaver fans. More here. You have to feel bad for Joe Newton. He's a great player, and the team will be hurt by his absense.

Friday, August 12, 2005

For you Beaver Fans

Not on the field, and not even in school: OSU co-captain Chaz Scott hasn't registered for classes and faces a stiff fight to be allowed back in...

that just breaks my heart!

Duck Football Update

From the Register-Guard Duckpage:

Tight end Tim Day is back and practice practicing; JC-transfer offensive lineman Pat So'oalo (2nd unit right guard) is still "NCAA-ineligible"; Freshman Levi Horn was moved from tight end to offensive tackle; 2006 schedule update: Pac10 teams will play all 9 conference opponents!

The Oregonian: Receiver James Finley profile

How did THAT get there???

And I thought that California was so overpopulated that they were going to have to cap families at having only one male child! A 400 ft waterfall that no one knew about? I guess they still have a little room to grow... (HT Instapundit)

NARAL pulls their anit-Roberts ad

NARAL President Nancy Keenan: Well, maybe it was our BIG LIE... but we didn't think anyone would notice. Sorry!

"Unfortunately, the debate over that advertisement has become a distraction from the serious discussion we hoped to have with the American public," she said in a letter Thursday to Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., who earlier in the day had urged the group to withdraw the ad.

Specter, himself an abortion-rights supporter as well as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee that will question Roberts next month, said the ad was "blatantly untrue and unfair."

Thoughts on Jeremiah 3-5

people: foolish; don't know God. they don't know the ways of God. they don't even understand what God expects of them. (4 v22, 5 v4) not only foolish, but wicked. refusing to help those in need, and denying rights of the poor (5 v28). clever at doing wrong, but have no talent at all for doing right! (4 v22). only pretending to be sorry for all this... (3 v10)

God: Even though you people are bad, I am merciful! way more merciful that people could ever be! (3 v1) I set the shorelines on this globe, and they will NEVER change. you people draw your nations' boundaries again and again on the land I gave you... geez! can't you recognize me??? (5 v22) How can I pardon you? (5 v7) you only pretend to be sorry... You will get what you want. you want a life without me and my "rules"? you got it... but my rules are there to protect you from yourselves, so watch it. If you become too wicked, you may need to be stopped. remember that whole flood thing? recall that I have other qualities as well, like being righteous and just! and jealous! I won't put up with your crap forever! But, I am merciful... I won't wipe you out completely (5 v18).

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Governor watch...

Ted recently advised the Secretary of Defense..."officially that, as Governor of Oregon, I do not consent to the deactivation, relocation or withdrawal of the 142nd Fighter Wing."

Watch out Mr. Rumsfeld, he's threatening to sue!

It would be interesting to see if the left-leaning "blue" states had a greater representation in the base closure recommendations. I would thing that the funding distributed by an administration would tend go closer to its friends than its opponents.

Joey Harrington speaks

...and you need RealOne Player to listen. (about 15 min of a radio interview, courtesy

Beware the "Unanswerable Weapon"

Interesting read on weapons strategy over at the Belmont Club. Snipers, suicide bombers, IEDs, oh my!


I finally got tired of sending emails to folks with all of the cool links I find in the blogosphere... So I created a blog of my VERY OWN!!! I hope you all enjoy it.

A picture is worth

only 1K words??? I think not.

HT: Instapundit(Ann Althouse).