Monday, November 21, 2005

War & Reconstruction

Victor Davis Hanson (NRO), on the "Bush Lied" myth... What about that war resolution that the US Senate passe?
So read the senators' October 2002 resolution. It is a model of sobriety and
judiciousness in authorizing a war. There are facts cited such as the violation
of agreements; moral considerations such as genocide; real worries about al
Qaeda's ties to Saddam (e.g., "...whereas members of al-Qaida, an organization
bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and
interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known
to be in Iraq"); fears of terrorism (" ...whereas Iraq continues to aid and
harbor other international terrorist organizations, including organizations that
threaten the lives and safety of American citizens."

Read is all, it's great. Here's some more...
Nevertheless, that is what our soldiers died for: a world in which Middle
East dictators no longer murder their own, ruin their won societies, and then
cynically use terrorism to whip up the Arab street and deflect their own
self-induced miseries onto the United States. This is the calculus that led to
9/11, and the reason why Saddam gave sanctuary to 1980s terrorists, the killer
Yasin who failed in his first attempt to take down the twin towers, and the
likes of Zarqawi.

(HT: BlogDogDad)


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