Friday, December 09, 2005

Government Spending Analysis '70-'05

...for the years 1970-2005. Check out the chart. (from Instapundit)

The author of the accompanying commentary (Kash Mansori) points out that the areas in which the Bush Administrations spending has trended upwards are Gov't Heath Insurance and Military.
"What strikes me about this chart is that while spending on Defense and Homeland Security (the red line) has indeed risen quite sharply under the Bush administration..."
...uh, the striking feature on the chart isn't that Military spending has "risen quite sharply" in the current admin, it's that it DROPPED so sharply during the Nixon/Ford/Carter admins, and then again during Bush41/Clinton. Going from over 7% down to barely 3% is a much bigger drop than increasing from 3% to 4%. For goodness sake, we liberated 2 countries! Does he expect that to be free? Maybe Bush should have checked prices at Wal-Mart before pulling the trigger...


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