Friday, December 02, 2005

This isn't true

...but it is funny! I pulled it from the comments section of this post on Althouse. (HT: Instapundit)

You need to report that as the NY Times would report it.
Blacks, Women, Hardest Hit by Declining Unemployment Payments

Memphis, TN -- The Department of Commerce's announcement concerning the
historic level of unemployment last month is no consolation to Mychal Brown.
Brown, who is African American, had his unemployment relief payments cut off
last month, a situation that Senatory Harry Reid described as "Despicable...
Thuffering Thuccotash."

Like thousands of other African Americans near Memphis, Brown lost his
benefits when he obtained work in a factory opened by food processing company
that had relocated from New Orleans following the failed Bush Adminstration
relief efforts. Experts blame the decrease in unemployment benefits on the Bush
administration, and a stingy, ultra-right wing conservative Republican Congress.

Haley Barbour, an extremist right wing conservative republican governor
from Mississippi, said that it was unfair to blame falling unemployment payment
rates on President Bush. Barbour, who was the RNC chairman, stated "of course
you're going to have dropping unemployment payments when there are more jobs."
Princeton Economist Paul Krugman noted that "the unemployment scandal is
just another example of the Bush lies." House leader Nancy Pelosi asked, "now,
do you see what we're up against?"

Still, the scandal means little to Mychal Brown, an honest, hard working
African American man. All he knows, is that his unemployment benefits were cut
off. "That's a payment of $790 a month I don't have coming in any more."

The Department of Commerce noted that the jobless rate of 4.8% was an
historic low, especially coming in the Fall, which is typically a time of higher
unemployment rates.

Jayson Blair contributed to this article
See? It's not hard to write like the NY Times. You just need to drink a big
cup of the Kool Aid, and you can do it too.


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