Friday, October 14, 2005

Oil for Food

Here's a topic I haven't been on in a while... the ongoing investigation of the Iraq "Oil For Food" program. Seem that some Frenchmen recently took a trip down to the big house as a result of their participation in the scheme. They were both high-ranking diplomats, and one of them happened to be serving as "special advisor" to Kofi Annan. This just stinks.

Key quote, from Roger L. Simon:
It's not just about graft. It's about the preservation of fascism for money. You down with that, liberalists? Think about it in your hearts. This isn't about Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives and all the rest of that left-over Eighteenth Century sports terminology. This is about real human beings who were living in a country where the dictator tossed people in paper shredders while his minions bought him protection on the UN Security Council. No thriller writer could get away with a plot like that, but Saddam Hussein did... with the help of his buddies Jacques Chirac and Kofi Annan.


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